Portable Electronic Book Reader - An Entire Library at Your Service

Portable Electronic Book Reader - An Entire Library at Your Service

An Electronic Book Reader can be a virtual library at your beck and call. These Portable Reader devices have caused a revolution in the way we think about books, magazines, blogging and newspapers and continue to make innovative progress in size and power. If you're looking for an Electronic Book Reader for yourself or someone else, do some research to find the one that's best for you.

Amazon's Kindle Reader remains the most technologically sound investment you can make in a Portable Reader device. Its diminutive size belies the power it contains internally and out of view. But when you realize the capabilities of the Kindle Reader, you'll be awestruck that something so tiny can so easily hold up to 1,500 books and deliver one at a moment's notice. It sounds even more unbelievable that you can download a book from almost anywhere in the world - without having to hook up to a wireless connection - but it does.

Most people have a checklist of features they desire in an Electronic Book Reader. Included in the list are:

• Lightweight and portable
• Wide variety of downloadable books and other reading material
• Wireless capability and long battery life
• Easy to read
• Audio

Of all the available Electronic Book Readers, the Kindle Portable Reader fits all the above criteria - and more. At 10.2 ounces, Amazon's Kindle is lighter than a paperback book and only 1/3 of an inch thick - making it extremely portable and easy to handle. Books and other reading material such as magazines, newspapers and blogs are readily available in a wide variety of titles and issues - and there's no such thing has having to find a wifi connection in order to download with the Kindle Portable Reader.

The non-glare screen of the Kindle Reader makes it easy to read - and you can effortlessly turn on the text to speech feature for the audio versions of the reading material. Amazon's 3G wireless feature means that you have coverage in the United States or overseas with no monthly charges. It's all included in your purchase of the Kindle Portable Reader.

There's also a dazzling collection of leather and vinyl covers book lights and other accessories for the Kindle Electronic Book Reader and with the incredible amount of books (now, over 420,000 titles) and other available reading material you don't even have to leave the comfort of your home to have an entire library at your fingertips.

The Kindle Electronic Book Reader [http://www.electronicbook-reader.com/] was the preeminent e-Reader. With the Portable Reader [http://www.electronicbook-reader.com/portable-reader/], Amazon has become king. Find out why.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jim_Lucas/333422

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3805537

_(By Jim Lucas).


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