Computerized Medical Records Management

Computerized Medical Records Management

Using an efficient medical records management system can make a lot of difference in improving and maintaining an efficient working environment. Let's take a look at what exactly is a computerized medical records management system, in what ways it is different than the traditional one and how it can vastly improve the working procedures of any medical establishment.

Computerized Medical Records

The computerized record is the equivalent of the traditional patient record that was kept in paper files. This is basically an electronic version of the same file that we all know and that was used for years. Normally, when a establishment that is practicing medicine wants to start using a digital system, all paper records will be scanned and stored in a computerized records system.

The Difference Between the Traditional Paper Based System and the Electronic One

Once the transition is complete, the patients' medical information will be stored on a computer server. This is useful first of all in saving a lot of needed space, as storage is no longer needed for paper files. When we are thinking of busy medical establishments the amount of space saved will be significant.

With the old fashioned paper system, a lot of time was spent on finding the medical records. We all remember how long it used to take for a medical establishment employee to locate a medical file by searching endless rows of file cabinets. With an electronic medical records management system just a few seconds are needed to retrieve the file.

Main Advantages

Other than the obvious advantages that we mentioned, saving much needed space and saving time by being able to retrieve a patient's medical file very quickly, there are several other benefits to using a computerized medical records management system. Each patient's information is stored in one place, instead of in numerous paper files, located in different practitioners' offices and establishments. This makes life much easier for both the patient and the practitioner as information can be accessed and cross referenced in order to achieve better results. In case of a medical emergency all of the patient's information is available immediately, this is not only useful, it can virtually mean the difference between life and death. Also, a digital system eliminates the problem of paper files that were lost or damaged. A good computerized system is regularly backed up so the chances of a computerized file being lost or destroyed are close to zero.

GRM offers end-to-end, secure and reliable integrated medical records management solutions for both digital and physical records, including: Electronic Document Management, Document Imaging Services, eDiscovery, Document Shredding and Offsite Data Storage.

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_(By Daniel Morine).


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