7 Strategies Anyone Can Use To Create An Environment of Communication

7 Strategies Anyone Can Use To Create An Environment of Communication

We all work hard to increase our success. Creating an environment of communication will help to promote your efforts and support your continued growth and success. When creating an environment that is supportive of communication, it is important to have information available and ready to go at a moment's notice. Increase your reach and impact using these seven strategies to create an environment of communication today!

Getting started is the most important step. Here are seven strategies for getting started while you work to create an environment of success.

1. Be Prepared. (Being proactive has many advantages)

Having information readily available is a proactive way to be sure that you can share your information with others and help build support for the work that you do. Whether someone asks you at the grocery store or someone asks you at a networking event. If you are prepared to share information about what you do and why you do it - you won't be caught off guard and you will be able to engage the person who is asking productively.

2. Know Who Your Target Audience Is

Who is your audience? In other words, who is it that you are speaking to and why do they want to hear your information? When you know why they want to hear your information you can tailor your message to meet their needs and expectations. This type of information "management" will help you not only engage the other person but also learn about what talents and skills they may offer.

3. Be Systematic and Consistent With Your Communication.

There are many different formats that one can use to support an environment of communication. For example, printed materials, executive summaries, newspaper articles, oral reports or testimonials, charts, graphs, photo-voice projects, etc. When preparing this information - it is important to by systematic and consistent with your communications. The people you are communicating with will come to expect the information and get to know your brand better.

4. Know Which Issues are Hot Topics In Your Industry. Know Why These are Hot Topics.

Doing research is an important piece of knowing your audience and being systematic and consistent with your communication. Another important area of research is taking a look at hot topics in your field or industry. What are the hot topics and why are these issues important? The results of this research can inform your communications and your content so that your readers will see your content as relevant and interesting.

5. Partner With Others to Improve Your Success.

Every industry is filled with professionals that can help to support and enhance the work we do through affiliate or partner relationships. Who can you partner with to help promote your communication and support the work you are doing? Brainstorm some ideas and set up times to discuss how each person or company can benefit from the relationship. Keep in mind what the benefits are to the other company - when you meet sell the benefits of the possibilities that will result from the partnership.

6. Update Your Information Regularly.

There is nothing worse than out of date information. Not only is it bad for the reader it is not supportive of your expertise or brand. The people who are consuming your information will not return if the information you provide is not relevant or up to date. Check on your information regularly to make sure it is relevant and important to your readers.

7. Practice!

Don't be afraid of communication. Practice sharing what you do and how you do it in many different ways. Set up a challenge for yourself and select five new communication strategies that you can adopt in the next two weeks. Publish your information and content to your target audience and get their feedback. When you ask people to participate in the process and when people have meaningful roles in preparing and presenting information they become empowered to be powerful advocates and champions on your behalf. Practice getting information out to your audience as much as possible.

Are you using these strategies to help foster an environment of communication? If not, why not get started today - the hardest part is taking the first step!

Creating an environment of communication means being ready to communicate about what you do and why you do it at any moment. Take some time to review each of these strategies and identify how you will use them to foster and support an environment of communication in your field.

Strategies From the Field: I keep these my most important communication documents in a "swipe" file where anyone on my team and anyone in support of my work has easy access to them. Your swipe file may include full reports, partial documents, news clips, articles, or any other relevant and important information. Take the challenge... create your "swipe" file today and keep it full of information that creates and supports and environment of communication.

Creating an environment of communication is one of the pieces to successfully evaluating and marketing your programs and activities. Discover the other steps using our 3 Keys to Successful Evaluation Guidebook. The Office of Community Research, Inc. has developed this Guidebook to provide you with the step by step tools you will need to take your community organization, agency, or group to the next level. The information you produce as a result of this Guide will foster an environment of communication and ensure that your audience knows who you are, what you do, and why you do it.

Get the 3 Keys Guidebook today: [https://tk944.infusionsoft.com/app/manageCart/addProduct?productId=4]

Brought to you by the Office of Community Research, Inc. and Jennifer McGahan - Building Stronger, Healthier, More Resilient Communities Every Day.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jennifer_L_McGahan/1493579

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7721126

_(By Jennifer L McGahan).


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