Electronic Medical Record Systems And The Environment

Electronic Medical Record Systems And The Environment

EMR, commonly known as electronic medical record, has opened a new chapter of service quality in the field of healthcare. It has brought opportunities for the medical staff to make their work life as effortless as possible by streamlining clinical procedures. In recent past when EMR was introduced it took huge amount of resources in the form of human capital, postal services and stationery item to process just one file. EMR software has proved to be a environment friendly healthcare system by removing the need for bulky paper work, piles of record keeping and hand written applications and prescriptions, substituting it with the sustainable and atmosphere pro electronic medical record system.

During 1990s, particularly in 1996 when the HIPAA Act came into effect, there was very low electronic medical record usage by physicians. Some of the adoption issues reported then with EMR systems were fears of poor security of sensitive information and the complexity involved in the personal information held. The resulting solution was industry led, as CCHIT was formed to only support the electronic health system but also certify it so that clinics and hospitals can widely adapt to the environment friendly health care option.

EMR Software - An Eco Friendly Alternative?

Much has been said about eco friendly or environmental friendly business alternatives and many business organizations are spending fortunes making their products friendly to the environment. This is the same for electronic medical record system companies. Many larger firms, such as CureMD, NextGen, CERNER, and Epic Care are developing electronic medical records system with paper-free services like electronic medical billing, business process outsourcing, and online registration of patients, online data compilation and electronic entry by physicians. Together with these solutions a popular recent innovation of EMR system is the use of web-accessible patient records.

With the advent of this important module, the healthcare facility becomes accessible nearly anywhere. The product of EMR system aims to deliver well-organized data and information directly to patients so they remain fully informed of their conditions throughout their recovery.

Meanwhile, the primary objective EMR system adoption is to make the work surroundings at clinics and hospitals paper free and efficient while including the minimum probability of errors. This environmental friendly health care system is not only sustainable but will also result in far fewer laboratory appointments for reports, thus easing patient's physical and mental condition.

The Green Merits Of An Electronic Medical Record System

Because a leading-edge electronic medical record system has high processing capability, with applications processed with a single click, it has provided huge efficiency bonuses to practices. With its innumerable benefits it intends to trim down errors and filing time.

These days, resources are limited and we all are trying to find the most environmental friendly way of doing business. EMR systems contribute towards environment protection by converting paper records into software databases. The energy saved in just one electronic medical record is truly surprising, and is a great step for an industry that definitely has no shortage of waste.

Carly Wilkinson is the webmaster at http://www.medical-software.org/. Read more about CCHIT certified electronic medical records and HIPAA-compliant practice management software here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Carly_Wilkinson/830113

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5873039

_(By Carly Wilkinson).
