Too Much Information? Tips and Suggestions

Too Much Information? Tips and Suggestions

With the advent of advanced technology we're bombarded by information through the World wide web, newspapers, magazines, textbooks, radio, television as well as additional mechanical and physical devices. So one can keep up with most of the information we ought to figure out how to think fast, that also means we ought to learn to read fast. However attempting to digest all the information accessible often leads not only to information overload but also to human brain overload.

In year 1860, on an average more or less four % of the population worked via accumulating and/or disseminating data. Nowadays most people work in some form of work that requires them to either build up information pools, or in some way deal with the over abundance of knowledge that we tend to get from lots of sources.

Here are some recommendations on how cope with the information overload.

1. Learn how to speed read

If you have a job that requires you to do plenty a reading; than speed reading is the solution to saving you time and getting more of your work done. Nevertheless, it's important that you gather information carefully with a purpose to evade information overload. To become an capable speed reader on the job you must lay down a goal to be aware of, before you begin to read, just what information you intend to glean from the items you're reading. When you know very well what information you need, you could start to read looking for only that information that has relevancy to your ultimate goal.

Speed reading and comprehension go hand in hand as comprehension is nothing more than the human brain responding to a few symbols on the piece of paper. When you recognize those symbols (words) you concentrate on them and you then comprehend them. Reading and thinking is synonymous. So in learning how to speed read you not only have to learn to read quickly, you also have to figure out how to think quickly.

As a way to hold on to all the knowledge with we which can be bombarded in every manner, we feel we ought to learn to input that information at a much rapid speed. To keep up with the information on the Web, in the magazines, newspapers and books we choose to learn to speed read. Nonetheless, when we learn to speed read we are actually learning to preserve more information in the shorter time frame and have absolutely therefore defeated our purpose.

We can figure out how to circumvent information overload by retaining only that information that we have now to deal with daily. If our profession needs us to have vast amounts of different information, then we discover only that information that pertains to our jobs. Use speed reading to read and save that information and go on to the next thing. Reading and retaining that which pertains to our job, and doing it speedily, are a safe technique to avoid information overload.

2. Try using prediction tools

Predictive modeling tools have become a necessary asset in our online lives. By having the ability to predict the content that interests you, these tools can offer you targeted information that you just like and care about. One of such tool is the My6Sense app for iPhone that sorts feeds from social networks by what's more related to you.

Yahoo Pipes is a extremely slick application that helps you create filters on RSS feeds. To start, visit Yahoo Pipes website, use the web tool to fetch feeds, provide criteria that you really want to filter against, execute the pipe and grab the RSS feed to add to your RSS feed aggregator. Yahoo Pipes also has pretty strong debugging which can make it easier to generate complicated filtering criteria.

3. Learn to use time productively

Every so often you simply have a lot of RSS feeds, too many tweets and too much reading material to go through. On those days, it's crucial to utilize your time efficiently. In case you travel to and from work, be sure you use your commute time productively. Use a text to speech service to keep up the information if you are commuting or in the gym.

It isn't a surprise that in such a short while we went from having little information at our disposal to an overabundance of data and greater than we can handle safely. As we mentioned, in 1850 only a tiny percent of the population worked at jobs that required looking for certain kinds of information. Today, over half of this country's population works at some job that needs informational research. There is additional information to be gotten and the capability to gather this information comes quicker since the arrival of the computer. Due to computer the speed of gathering information has doubled during the last 30 years.

Dusty Cohen is an educator and is proficient with reading techniques. She uses text to speech service to keep up with the information overload.

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_(By Dusty Scottie C Cohen).


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