Information And Data

Information And Data

Information and data are the only reality aside from BEING.

BEING is the state of existence that we all find ourselves in, it is the source of our experiences, it is the foundation of our lives. The state of BEING is the only actual truth that we can pinpoint.

Aside from your state of BEING, the only other thing you have is data, information, ideas and concepts.

And these ideas can be re-arranged!

Conscious BEING is the springboard from which we launch our lives; it is the constant that we ALL share. The wholeness of consciousness is the beginning point, the Zero Point, the Quantum Field from which everything else comes.

From out of that consciousness come the ideas and concepts, the information or data from which we mould the experiences of our lives.

Once you start thinking, you collapse the infinite possibilities of consciousness into the limitations of what we call "reality"!

These ideas then take your attention away from the unlimited possibilities that lie within the state of BEING that we call consciousness, stepping away from the infinite and into the finite.

This throws a curtain of confusion over the Zero Point and causes us to believe that what we are thinking about is the truth.

When we throw enough veils over the light of consciousness, we can only focus upon the data, and this becomes the universe of limits, of law and of lack that we experience through our now narrow state of BEING!

Look at the word veil and move the 'v' from before the 'e' to after it and you have the word evil!!!!!

Could the "devils work" we hear so much about be merely losing track of the truth of our unlimited consciousness?

Could our only "sin" be that of losing touch with our unlimited truth?

In the Hebrew language the word for "sin" can also be used to mean "miss" - as in "miss the point" or "miss the target"! (And bear in mind that a LOT of the original scriptures that make up our ancient spiritual writings came from the Hebrew people!)

So there are clues all around us, it's just that we are so focused upon the data that we have forgotten the original source of ALL ideas... namely the mind, the spirit or the consciousness that we are part of that permeates the inter-spaces of our entire universe!

You and I are part of that Universal Consciousness, and we can use it in the same creative way that the original First Cause used to create a universe of ideas.

"In the beginning there was the word... "

And what is a word other than a spoken or written idea or thought?

So in the beginning there was the THOUGHT which became manifest as the word!

From that thought and word we have the collapsed infinity which becomes the finite idea upon which we build our lives.

All we need to do is learn how return to that Zero Point where there is only the field of consciousness and we can re-arrange ALL of the data to suit whatever we desire.

Because our state of BEING is the starting point from which ALL data is created and arranged, we have the ultimate power to change ANYTHING in our lives.

Get back to Zero and make the changes within that consciousness in order to express those changes as ideas that can then change the entire universe!!!

Inspiring Records use the power of music and affirmations to control the results we get in our lives by changing the underlying programs that make us what we are. You control the input to your sub-conscious by choosing what you want to think and feel by recording new ideas directly into the deepest part of your mind. You become the creator of your own life! Find out more at

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_(By D A Murphy).


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