IT Based Innovation In The 21st Century

IT Based Innovation In The 21st Century

Innovation is an act of introducing something new in form of idea, method or device. Innovations are intended to make something better, with substantial improvement over existing product, services or processes. IT-based Innovations are the incremental or radical development of information technology and it's usage for the betterment of society. IT-bases innovations are also considered a major driver of the economy. This article comprise key driving forces, market environment and system initiatives for IT based Innovations and services and where we society and economy is heading with these advancements, in the 21st century.

The best innovation of the 21st century, so far, is the introduction of the cell processor. Cell processor is the microprocessor architecture jointly developed by Sony, Toshiba and IBM. First major commercial application of the Cell processor was in Sony's Play-station. It can process and render real time three dimensional movements at very fast rate. This has been the tremendous improvement over the gaming experience. The Second best application which has introduced the radical change in the field of medical is the use of cell processor in MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). MRI provides an unparalleled view inside the human body. Using the traditional processors of 20th century, it took almost five hours or sometimes a day to produce one image. With the invention of cell processor the same can be done within a fraction of second. This has facilitated surgeons to follow the body movement at real time during performing surgery.

One of the best Innovations of the 21st century is the development of computer systems. In the early phase of computer development, computer system was considered as the mere combination of storage, printer, network and software programs. Gradually system improved with the advent of gigantic centralized storage. Decentralized storage is then turned in to data center shared by various business units and departments. Furthermore it scaled to "End-to-End Enterprise" with IT infrastructure such as web based applications and services. Today this revolution is turned into Global Digital Economy where people, processes and information is invaded in single Eco-System. Not only big giants like IBM, Sony, GM but also small industry and vendors are part of this eco-system. In today's system everybody is connected to everybody else. Small vendors are part of the eco-system of large enterprise. And it seems that we are integrating everything as the part of single global eco-system. Building such a complex system requires mature development tools. The real challenge is that tools are very primitive for that. The solution to that is to view the whole eco-system as the joints of various small components. Whole world of system has very unpredictable characteristics as focus is now shifted from machines and procures to people and services. For example engineering a Hospital system has become more complicated then building a Boing plane. Individual engineer can build a Boing provided a BOM (Bills of Material). But it is extremely difficult for an individual to build working business system which involves people and services and has unpredictable behavior.

This evolution of system can be presented as the pyramid, starting with the Application on the ground, followed by the Product and at the top ending with the technology. This signifies the number of jobs we have in each phase. Today we have advanced so much in the technology, that we have very less people required in researching improvements over existing technologies. There exists more number of jobs there in the market for developing product which uses these technologies rather than innovating existing technology. On bottom of all we have Applications. Those who can use technology components and help design business system, have maximum number of jobs in the market. Applying technology on business has more scope rather than innovating technology for individual.

All these IT based innovations have created an information overload. In today's eco-system we have lots of information available through computer systems, applications, web, email, IM in the form of text, audio, video and interactive multimedia. This information is of no use if it does not help in making real time decision. More focus is given on semantic analysis and search of information based on personalization. The most prominent application using semantic and real time analysis is the personalized medicine. Such system not only takes the decision based on symptoms of the deceases, but also uses individual's genomic structure for prescribing suitable medicine. Sometimes machine suggests multiple choices and it becomes extremely difficult to choose among them. The solution to that is the advent of Social networking. With that people in the similar occupation can help each other using web 2.0 applications, whereby people's action helps making application and decision better.

To conclude with we can say that "At the threshold of a 21st century Business Revolution is affected by technology innovations, people involvement and business process automations".

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_(By Divyen Patel).


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