Managing Information Systems

Managing Information Systems

For centuries, information management system was not given much attention and this has led to the liquidation of many organizations. However, awareness of information technology in the present age has made information system more accessible, thus integrating organizational structures for the achievement of goals and objectives in within a relatively short period.

The emergence of the new technology science of electronic data processing has provided the impetus for study into the development of management information and a new approach in the study of control, feedback system and communication.

The introduction of electronic technology into the information management has made the information system more effective and efficient. But that is not to conclude that all organizations or managers have effective managerial capability to manage information system. It is evident that as organizations expand, the problem associated with data collection, recording, information retrieval and effective communication increase in proportion to the size of the organization. These are major areas where organizations or managers have to be more effective in managing information as this may have nothing to do with the number of technology acquired or money invested.

Ordinarily, information is not useful if it is not accurate,complete, relevant effective and efficient. In order to achieve all these, the management of information system in an organization needs to determine information needs, establish system goal,.determine hardware needs, acquire equipment,integrate hardware and operating system; install controls, develop documentation and train users, text system and made appropriate modification and monitor system effectiveness and make appropriate modification.

To this extent, an effective management of information system can be accomplished and achieved.

Tabiti Kehinde is a researcher and also a marketer, he is much interested in marketing product and services. His web for this purpose is []

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_(By Tabiti Kehinde).


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