The Demand for Information Security

The Demand for Information Security

Information security is a major concern in almost all the important organization these days. We can trace back with evidence that information security was applied in the B.C's during the era of Julius Caesar. Caesar's cipher is an ancient encrypted this technique. After World War 2, with the growing complexity of human operations, the nature of data's to be handled also transformed into complex. Information security is related to security involving information that is associated with various parts of life. Many people these days think of it as something related to computers. Well computer security is also a kind of secured information, but it does not imply computer security.

The main idea of information security revolves around few major concepts such as confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity, non-repudiation and accountability. There are debates on whether non-repudiation, accountability and authenticity be made the core concepts of information technology. Confidentiality of information is very important and should be kept and made available for the authorized person. Only the authorized person should be able to amend the information at any circumstance and this forms the integrity of information systems. The information must me available at any given point of time. There should not be any mishandling or loss of information at any point of time.

Authenticity involves the information being original to every last bit of details. These concepts make up the frame work of a system like this. In a management scenario or a business scenario information security is implied and practiced using administrative, logical and physical controls. Administrative control implies that proper rules and guidelines are passed down to every level that would safe guard the interest of the concern. Logical monitoring involves applying software and other hardware devices to keep a check on this. Physical control is all about applying physical control methods such as cameras, security check posts, security guards, physical screening etc.

With the increasing demand for information security in this computing age access control is also an important factor to be taken into concern. Access control has two divisions, which are identification and authentication. Identifying a person by his or her name is not enough in this world. They should be quizzed more for facts to get their real identity. Information is everywhere and there are many people out there waiting to get access to them

Important information such as military information, business information, government information etc are highly classified information's which in wrong hands can cause lots of damage. This paves way for lot of career opportunities with its ever ending demand. Information systems security architectural professional, information system security management professional, information system securities Engineering professional are a few career oriented programs that come under this. Information security is always about encrypting information and decrypting it where ever it is necessary. The scope and demand of it is never end and with more and more changes being pooled into the nature and structure of information, at a professional level the changes are also going to be never end.

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_(By Freeha Irfan Ahmed).


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