A New Science-Art Solution to the Global Information and Communications Epidemic

A New Science-Art Solution to the Global Information and Communications Epidemic

The ethical evolutionary growth and development of the human condition is extremely complex. The task of advancing human evolution involves the recognition of past scientific mistakes and acting accordingly. Modern science has classified itself as an incurable carcinogenic state leading to certain extinction and that is not ethical. Ancient Greek science on the other hand, knew of the extinction of life forms from fossil evidence and invented an atomic science, specifically so that civilization would not become extinct. During the 3rd century BC, Plato's Academy actually called it the Science for ethical ends. At the Epicurean University the ethical atomic first principle logic applied to the movement of the moon influencing the female cycle by resonating with the atoms associated with female fertility. This resonance was held to explain a mother's love and compassion for children and belonged to the Science of universal love. Its teachers were called Saviours, saving civilization from the destructive properties of unformed matter of chaos emerging from the atom, as envisaged by Plato and Philo.

The search for first principle logic, in particular concerning the real nature of carcinogenic growth and development, is of paramount importance. Under these circumstances the recognition of scientific mistakes requires an exacting reexamining of ancient science itself. While associated intuitive religious beliefs are very relevant, it can be considered to be demeaning to leave them tied up in knots of unfathomable complexity rather than to obtain a more astute understanding of our commitment to them.

Scientific geniuses representing age old scientific thinking, related to the destructive property of unformed matter (nuclear detonation) emerging from within the atom to destroy civilization, existed. They included Plato; the father of ethical scientific research in the Western World, Philo; who linked Greek science to Hebrew culture, and Al-Haytham; the Islamic father of optics. Isaac Newton, a devout Christian, published that the ancient Greek first cause principle logic explained gravitational force correctly. He argued that it was a pretensious mistake to hold that the mass of objects in space caused gravity (see Newton's 28th Query Discussions). Plato, Philo and Al-Haytham stated that by developing a science based upon the concept of all knowledge being derived from the senses, in particular from vision, would cause the destructive property of unformed matter to emerge from within the atom to destroy civilization.

The general global religious reluctance to research such profound fundamental scientific mistakes is preventing information and communication research into advancing human civilization in an ethical, non-carcinogenic direction. The consequence of this is the global epidemic, concerning the contagious effects of scientific dysfunctional communication and information.

It is rapidly becoming common knowledge that American medical epidemiologists, appointed by the Government of the United States of America to protect the health and wellbeing of communities, have identified an uncontrollable virus-like dysfunctional 3D global epidemic. Scholars have published that is is an emotional control epidemic, transmitted though the mass production of information and communication devices. They have acknowledged that in order to the carry out their epidemiology responsibilities, the best that can be done is to try and mitigate the damage that the virus-like epidemic is causing.

The strain of the current global information and communication 3D epidemic echoes the form of the mathematical intent programmed within poker machines to bring about bankruptcy if continually played. Scientists are now afflicted with a heroin-like addiction, leading to both moral and financial bankruptcy, and have become obsessively committed to continually play the global corporate profit game, which is their proud badge of dysfunctional excellence. This unfortunate situation can be remedied if their brilliant research is synergized with new living information logic.

The inability of scientists to program a computer to generate appropriate human survival simulations in order to solve real evolutionary problems is particularly exasperating. In 1979, China's most highly awarded scientist, Hun Huang, educated in Scotland, provided Australian cancer researchers with the methodology to program a computer to generate 50 million years of healthy seashell evolution through space-time. Mainstream mathematics, lacking first principle logic, could only generate deformed or carcinogenic futuristic life-form simulations. The use of first principle mathematics to generate optimum growth and development representing the existence of a life-force, was proven. The simulations exactly matched fossilized mathematical seashell evolutionary growth and development. Likewise, the fossil record of humanoid sphenoid bone evolution exists to allow an identical methodology to obtain a human survival blueprint rather than a seashell one. Even if we remain locked into the present extinction mindset, such blueprint evidence would buy us precious time to harmonize mechanistic science with living scientific logic. Therefore, providing antidote knowledge regarding the present dysfunctional 3D epidemic, is a crucial issue.

The Australian team's discovery was published by Italy's leading science journal, Il Nuovo Cimento. In 1990 the world's leading technological research institute, IEEE, reprinted it as an important discovery, listed alongside such names as Louis Pasteur and Sir Francis Crick. The existing carcinogenic mindset sentences all life to extinction instead of allowing it to evolve toward infinity. Therefore, it follows that an examination of our incomplete science, to locate crucial first principle laws governing the human evolution of living information and communication, is warranted.

Politicians can presently only react to the reality of problems by acting upon their emotional responses to scientific advice given to them based upon the dysfunctional 3D communication and information epidemic. Scientists, technologists and politicians are at present emotionally denied the will to enter relevant human survival data into a computer program to generate realistic solutions. The scientist, Kun Huang, fully realized this situation when he provided the Australian researchers with the methodology to obtain an alternative line of reasoning to help bring about a balanced scientific mindset.

We know from released data belonging to the Manhattan Project that ancient geometrical logic was astute enough to intuit the existence of nuclear destructive chaos. A moral argument existed relevant to the making of the atomic bomb before Nazi Germany did. However, nobody thought about creating the omni-technology obviously associated with the ancient ethical human survival science. Logical reasoning at that time meant that the scientific information and communication needed to win the Second World War had to cause more entropic chaos than that of the enemy. As a result, global information and communication technology is about irresponsible and short sighted corporate profit in the form of a dysfunctional global epidemic.

Da Vinci, Descartes, Sir Francic Bacon and Einstein were certainly happy to give human vision a major role in the evolution of science's understanding of reality and this became the basis of a mechanistic science devoid of first principle living logic. When the sperm and egg unite to create human life the eye does not exist and therefore cannot be the seat of all knowledge. Therefore, modern science, by ignoring this fact, divorced itself from reasoning about the crucial first principle information associated with the evolutionary act of conception.

A high resolution picture of the geometrical shape of the human cell about to divide exists, showing that it is an infinite fractal expression of reality. Its geometrical electromagnetic shape does not allow the current 3D information epidemic to be transmitted to the new cell. That technological rejection obviously contains antidote information relating to the prevailing mechanistic epidemic bought about by the influx of dysfunctional communication and information devices. The epidemiologists are becoming aware that the transfer of living information during cell division does not obey our present understanding of information and communication.

The philosopher of ethical science, Immanuel Kant, who laid down the foundation of the electromagnetic Golden Age of Danish Science, considered that the first principle logic for ethical evolution was an "asymmetrical electromagnetic" inner vision within the creative artistic mind. As a deeply religious person he referred to it as it God's ethical purpose for perpetual peace on earth. As mentioned in the beginning of this article, intuitive religious beliefs are relevant and it can be considered to be demeaning to leave them tied up in knots of unfathomable complexity. Kant's asymmetrical electromagnetic inner vision viewing glasses actually came into existence in 2003, allowing us to make Salvado Dali's intuitive stereoscopic evolutionary artistic theories, visible for the first time to the general public.

Modern quantum biology cancer research has noted that healthy information flows in the opposite direction to the energies of entropic chaos, apparently entangling with it to evolve universal consciousness. Within his book, Utopia or Oblivion, Buckminster Fuller presumed that the merging of mechanical science with humanitarian science would be achieved through a new human survival artistic perspective. Using asymmetrical electromagnetic 3D glasses to view copies of paintings over the centuries, it can be observed that during the 21st Century artists have begun to unconsciously paint very dramatic 3D images into their work. This naturally occurring evolutionary intuitive ability contrasts with the artificial 3D virus-like epidemic proliferated by the mass production of dysfunctional communication and information devices. The flow of Kantian healthy ethical information flowing in the opposite direction to the dysfunctional virus is a mirror image of it. That is pertinent to the discarded 19th Century linguistic colour perception theories belonging to the English Prime Minister, William Gladstone and the philosopher of Science, Wolfgang von Goethe during the Great Darwinian Debate.

The Architect and Coordinator of QUAGI-Quantum Art Group International, the artist Roberto Denti, in collaboration with prize-winning quantum biologists helped to fuse the Australian Science-Art discoveries into Italian quantum biology's concept of the 21st Century Renaissance. Several international magazines recorded the birth-date of that Renaissance as being the 24th of September, 2010, when Denti's colleagues, Professor Massimo Pregnolato and Professor Paolo Manzelli, were awarded the Giorgio Napolitano Medal on behalf of the Republic of Italy, for their quantum biology research discoveries.

In 2012 the scientist Guy Deutscher's book of the year, Through the Language Glass, upgraded 19th Century linguistic colour perception theory into a new advanced neurological science. The work harmonized into the first principle cancer research theories of the Australian linguistic colour research and resonated with the research conducted by Roberto Denti and his colleagues. A unique coincidence had occurred. In 1988, the science writer for the Australian Medical Observer, Dr Calvin Miller, wrote a feature article for that eminent journal, based upon his investigation of the Australian first principle logic theories. He predicted that they might well become the basis of a New Renaissance. Roberto Denti and his artistic colleagues, expressed their Science-Art 21st Century Renaissance theories clearly in the new neurological language. It can now be observed that they were unconsciously painting in extremely vibrant 3D imagery, now relevant to locating an antidote to the artificial 3D science-art epidemic.

Massimo Pregnolato is one of the world's most highly awarded professors of medical chemistry. His research association with the artist Roberto Denti is recorded on the internet surrounded by paintings and coloured medical illustrations. When viewed through asymmetrical electromagnetic 3D glasses they depict vivid representations of Immanuel Kant and Emmanuel Levinas' inner artistic vision of futuristic ethical reality. In quantum biology cancer research this inner vision information flows in the opposite direction to the 3D information/communication epidemic bringing about heroin-like illusionary inner vision addictions related to an anticipation of poker machine-like financial gain.

The naturally occurring unconscious evolutionary development of inner stereoscopic vision is a visible demonstration of Salvador Dali's overwhelming intuition that his artwork contained a stereoscopic message of an advanced futuristic science. Dali's intuition dismissed Descartes' first principle "I think therefore I am" mathematical truism in favour of Sigmund Freud's first principle logic based upon the "joy of life". For those wanting to create and love children, Freud's first principle axiom could well read, "we desire and think, therefore we will be".

Pregnolato and Denti's proclamation of the substance upholding their 21st Century Renaissance resulted in two major world Art Quantum exhibitions involving internationally prestigious artists. The first exhibition is to be held at the Silber Gallery in Rome, from March 31 to 06 April 2016, and the second at Russia's famous Artists of Central Palace, Moscow, 22 to 28 April, 2016, as announced in the Spring Edition of Russian Art Week - Quantum Art Group Italia. Some of the artwork on exhibition is also represented by the world's largest commercial art gallery, Park West Gallery in Michigan, USA.

The crucial importance of this precursor to a new ethical 21st Century Renaissance science has been summarized by Roberto Denti: "The Art Quantum is a precursor of cognitive change to look for new inspirations, new reference models based on overcoming the limitations of the old mechanical ideas, thus generating anticipatory and innovative action of 'scientific and technological imagination, capable, factually capable of encouraging more useful interpretations of life and its evolution".

This article has been written as a possible contribution to obtaining the antidote to the 3D global information and communication epidemic. It seeks to help establish a source of corporate ethical stamps of approval for future first principle cancer research posters, depicting the past scientific mistakes mentioned herein. Establishing such a delicate but essential corporate synergistic understanding about futuristic technology is considered to be more effective in the manner of Dali's eccentric, colorful, unsophisticated methodology. The seals on the proposed posters containing an intent to consider ethical peacemaking initiatives based upon radical scientific shakeups are considered able to promote more trustworthy inclinations to try and solve the epidemic problem that are seen as being critical to the entropic status quo.


Professor Robert Pope is the Director of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, Uki, NSW, Australia. The Center's objective is to initiate a second Renaissance in science and art, so that the current science will be balanced by a more creative and feminine science. More information is available at the Science-Art Centre website: http://www.science-art.com.au/books.html

Professor Robert Pope is a recipient of the 2009 Gold Medal Laureate for Philosophy of Science, Telesio Galilei Academy of Science, London. He is an Ambassador for the Florentine New Measurement of Humanity Project, University of Florence, is listed in Marquis Who's Who of the World as an Artist-philosopher, and has received a Decree of Recognition from the American Council of the United Nations University Millennium Project, Australasian Node.

As a professional artist, he has held numerous university artist-in-residencies, including Adelaide University, University of Sydney, the Dorothy Knox Fellowship for Distinguished Persons and a residency at Yangzhou University, China. His artwork has been featured of the front covers of the art encyclopedia, Artists and Galleries of Australia, Scientific Australian and the Australian Foreign Affairs Record. His artwork can be viewed on the Science-Art Centre's website and the Park West Gallery website. The work of the Science-Art Research Centre is currently being presented at eminent art galleries in Rome and Moscow, and at the Centre's art gallery in Northern New South Wales, Australia.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Robert_Pope/678033

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9359988

_(By Robert Pope).


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