The Development of Open Access Journals

The Development of Open Access Journals

An open access journal represents a scholarly journal that is available on the web without financial, technical, or legal limits except those that are inseparable from reaching internet access. There are two types of such journals:

• No-fee based;

• Fee-based.

There are open access journals that are financed by an academic institution or association, and government information center.

Fee-based open access journals require payment on the behalf of the author. Usually money comes from the author, but it also can frequently come from the author's research grant. Journals that apply publication fees take some steps in order to ensure editors who carry out peer review aren't aware of whether the author has requested fee waivers or has been granted; or it is necessary in order to ensure every single paper is approved by an editor who has no financial stake in the journal.

No-fee based open access journals are subsidized and financed by universities, libraries, hospitals, research centers, academic associations, government agencies, etc. Some get revenue from advertising, reprints, endowments, and so on.

Today, when the internet is the primary source of any imaginable literature, a lot of online journals have emerged providing research paper publishing services carrying out peer review and editorial quality control.

Most of researchers nowadays use the web to find the necessary material and literature review before starting their projects. In such a way, they come across a huge amount of open access resources that list and index thousands if not millions of free online journals. Such research platforms cover a wide variety of academic disciplines, including astronomy, business, computer science, economics, engineering, education, law, mathematics, psychology, and many more.

What is also important about online access journals today is that most of them serve academic societies and contribute to the development and application of science with its publication.

Authors publishing their works on such platforms retain the copyright to their papers and only transfer the publication right to journals they are working with which allows the article to be published as well as cited with no restriction. Most importantly, all published research papers are indexed and archived in various open and paid platforms. As a result, your work achieves greater visibility, accessibility and readership.

At some open access journals, only a few selected quality papers are published each year. This is to ensure the maximum visibility with high level of indexing.

With the existence of open access journals, the scientific research can now go far beyond any barrier providing the scientific community with the opportunity to improve citation and readability.


Article Source:

_(By Anna John Raynor).


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