Books are not just pieces of papers, but a source of unlimited knowledge for the ones who want to upgrade their knowledge about every single aspect related to this world. Reading a book can be boring for some while a sheer enjoyment for the others. Books can be called as our true friends as they never leave us and continue to show the right path to the readers throughout our lives. Whether it is a bedtime story for a baby, a picture book for the toddler, a fiction book, a biography book etc, they are available in every form and genre for the people with different tastes.

Reading books can help us greatly in broadening our outlook and can push us to achieve the peak of success. However we have to be judicious in selecting the right book so that we can get the desired knowledge. The act of reading a book stimulates the mind and sharpen it. They can turn aimless young chaps to responsible individuals through real life success stories. Good books are like veins of blood for a nation as they help the individuals in making them ideal citizens.

Books of ideal great men always help the readers in boosting their morale and enrich their knowledge. We can make right decisions on the basis of the rich experiences illustrated in popular autobiographies. National as well as international events described in the books can be a source of great knowledge for the ones who have interest in knowing them. Just like food, human beings crave for knowledge and satiate them by reading books. Books are great food for the ones who are curious to stay updated with the events happening all over the world.

People with different thoughts, ideologies and different tastes search for the books according to their requirements. Accordingly books have been produced keeping in view the different aspects of the human lives. A reader selects the books according to his own perspective of life and personal interests. Innumerable books are available in varied fields such as literature, astronomy, space research, medical science, geography,nature, information technology, management, fiction, travel etc.

There is an acute shortage of books and libraries so that books might be easily accessible to avid readers. One should only read good books which can shape his character and overall personality. There are ample books which provide noble thoughts to the readers and greatly influence them. Books aid in eradicating the old long superstitions and narrow-mindedness which always prevent them from treading on the path of progress. They are said to be the true friends when we are alone and nobody to talk with.

Sincere efforts are required to divert the attention of the students towards reading books with high value so that they can come out of the darkness and ignorance which have a negative impact of their personality. Thus books can be the best guides which can help the individuals realizing their goals and dreams of becoming ideal citizens.

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_(By Gauravv Verma).


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