Recently, I was at the Carson, California Public Library. Usually, I go to a public library closer to home. But since I am doing social activism for the Los Angeles Strategy Center. I am here, so I decided to write this article. It is a funny thing about information science in relation to governmental agencies, sure picking out the right information is like pulling teeth until it comes to lining their pockets with money, then they are anxious for your vote and to give out public information right down to having voter registration and tax forms at the front of the library.

Sure, I am not putting down the services the libraries and governments give at the lower levels, but what do they do at higher levels other than beg for votes, winning public opinion polls and money, surprisingly in that order. What do I mean by that order? Well, politicians to have a job and get money must first have public opinion in their favor and votes. After all, look at the most recent as of this writing former president of Egypt. He did not have public opinion in his favor firstly, and he definitely did not have votes secondly. So that establishes that fact that politicians must first have public opinion in their favor and then the votes to back that up or they essentially have no job. That is not my opinion, that is just the logically honest truth in the principle of politics in relation to money. I do not claim to be any expert on political science, I am just a conscious and honest observer whose brain is always cooking with pine tar, grease, grits, sweat and honest thinking and action. If that is a flaw, well, unlike President Richard Milhous Nixon, I am a crook and like Richard Gilly Nixon, I am a business man. Go figure.

If you want more information on either Richard Nixon, look on the web. This is my article, and I will use mostly examples of my own to prove my point.

Sure, absolute honesty is considered scary and crooked in that order in this society. But then absolute dishonesty is considered crooked and scary in this society and almost as bad as absolute honesty. So, who wins? Not even the middle of the road person wins in this equation ultimately, although they do last a little longer without being noticed by those "in power" I just mentioned. Socrates, drink your hemlock, you were and are too honest. Cato, you are dishonest enough, you may pass. No, no one wins, not even the average ultimately. If you are too honest or too dishonest, you really do not win. Bernie Madoff and Ivan Boesky do not pass "Go," do not collect even two hundred dollars in genuine money, go directly to jail, cool them heels and die. On the other hand, Kevin Trudeau and Michael Milken are still doing legitimate business. So, winning is the middle of the road in this "crazy joint" of a society known as the Civilization of Earth, but no real winning, too obviously honestly or too obviously dishonestly, that is a big mistake. Business and government, how long can they last in a middle of the road society ran by sound players that are routine oriented then retire as opposed to good and great players that are long term and eternity oriented? Do you not wonder about that? Or is that the territory of God to answer? Well, God gave us free will to decide those answers for ourselves. I will not tell you mine. But I will end with this: We came from infinity, and we are going back to infinity. Existence never ever stops and consciousness is the main ingredient that controls all energy. So, I will answer this question: I do believe in God and Christ as my savior and although I declared myself an atheist in 1992 at a family Christmas party (a few months after my Dad died mind you, he died in July, 1991, and at the time I had my doubts until my Dad was sent to me in dreams and all of that), I have no doubts, for a year and a half later in 1994, I took the Gnostic Eucharist and a vow of total honesty with myself which I have never recanted on since. Sure, honesty is seemingly crazy, but look at the alternative. Richard Nixon: "I am not a crook." with a poker face or Joshua Clayton and Joseph Clayton, Jr.: "With self honesty and honesty to you, I say I am a crook. I am not good as no man is good, and I can only strive to be good." With that, I end this "I am only trying to be honest" message from a local Southern California Library in Carson, California. Any person who implores that they are not a crook, feels your pain, or is an honest reformer is full of "what the cat dragged in" to put it politely. But when I say, I am only trying to be honest, I leave all open to your interpretation and mine. I can only do my best, that is all I genuinely ask of myself or anyone. Reality or what is not real, I cannot decide for you, but I can decide for me. I will go with what is real and honest for myself, no matter what, thank you for reading.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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_(By Joshua Clayton).


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