LIS is an interdisciplinary field that applies the practices, perspectives and tools of management. It is one of the most booming sectors in India and abroad as well. More and more people are getting attracted towards this field.

Examples of LIS would be:-

acquisitions (ordering, receiving, and invoicing materials)
cataloging (classifying and indexing materials)
circulation (lending materials to patrons and receiving them back)
serials (tracking magazine and newspaper holdings)
the OPAC (public interface for users)

Historically Library science includes archival science which deals with how information resources are organized to serve the needs of select user group. According to one report, library and information science has been ranked as one of the "Best Careers of 2008"

The prospects in Library Science have grown a lot in the recent past and included areas like library and information systems management, classification system, documentation etc.In a research conducted between library and information professionals from various educational backgrounds it was found that the most esteemed information were those related to circulation, search aspects and system performance.

The first school for Library & Information Science was founded by Melvil Dewey in 1887 at Columbia University. The minimum qualification required for course in Library Science is XII standard.

Consequently, opportunities for librarians are on the upswing. People can find professional opportunities in various Public/Government library, Media/News agencies, colleges/universities, etc.

However salaries of library professional depend upon their individual qualification and the experience he/she holds. The salaries offered by colleges and university libraries are very high and comparable to those of teachers.

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_(By Priyanka Kumar).


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