I'm often asked to open up my personal success library and give book recommendations on success, real estate investing, and being an entrepreneur. I was recently asked by a good friend to write a quick synopsis and recommendation for the 10 books in my success library that I felt were most influential on my personal and business development. Thumbing through my large success books library, I struggled with the idea for a few weeks, unable to settle on just 10 success books to read that I could recommend. That's because I've made reading for success a part of my everyday life, and thus have read literally several hundred books on personal development, wealth-building, success, business, economics, persuasion, communication, sales, negotiation, spirituality, psychology, marketing, real estate, investing, internet marketing, copywriting, leadership, public speaking, and many more empowerment-themed topics.
And believe me, though I have developed a great store of knowledge on these and other topics fundamental to success, I'm no expert on any one of these topics and constantly read more. So, choosing just 10 that were most influential that I would 100% recommend to anyone wanting to accomplish great things in their life was a tough task.
Still, I have a great deal of respect for the person who asked me and I did not want to give up on this challenge of selecting only 10. So, as a compromise I chose the 10 books from my reading list that have had the most impact on me in the last 12 months when I read (or re-read) them recently. Each of these books is one I know I will read several times over the course of my lifetime to fully apply everything I learned.
So, without any further ado and in no certain order here are the 10 books I believe are must-reads for the successful or success-aspiring entrepreneur, real estate investor, or business owner. Thus, I highly recommend you to read them. Apply what you learn. And prosper.
1) The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
This book you can read in as little as a week without ever taking it out of your bathroom. I know, because that's how I just re-read it! But don't let this book's brevity fool you into thinking there is anything small about the powerful wealth-building messages it contains. This is timeless, priceless wisdom you're going to read. Mostly written in an entertaining, storytelling style through the voice of the Richest Man in Babylon and those he teaches, this book will take you under the wing of an ultra-successful entrepreneur who will teach you in simple bite-size nuggets the fundamental secrets wealthy people have passed along in oral traditions for thousands upon thousands of years. I never had a wealthy family growing up. In fact, we were downright poor. It is in part because I have been fortunate enough to find books like this (and driven enough to apply what I learn) that I feel confident my family will now be wealthy for many generations to come. If you too lack successful references in your family, do as I did and imagine you are part of the family of the Richest Man in Babylon- and take those references into your mind and make them your own. You can.
2) Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
This book is one of the best if not THE best empowerment books to have ever been written, and probably the most recommended success book of recent history. If you haven't read it, don't take my word for it that you should, my friend, go and get it and read it immediately. Do NOT get this book at the public library. More than almost any other book, you deserve to OWN this book for your own personal success books library. Go ask the five most successful people you know if they have read it...and I will eat a raw onion if at least 3 of them have not read it. And if you read this book long ago, I urge you to read it again immediately. Read this book while holding in your mind each minute you're reading it a specific problem, obstacle or challenge you are facing in your personal, financial, or business life and you have my solemn guarantee that by the time you finish the book you will have at least 3 concrete potential solutions you can apply right now to solve that problem. I have done so over a half dozen times already, and expect to read this book at least once a year every year I am still breathing. It's THAT powerful.
3) Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
Everyone who lives in a capitalist society should have this in their success books library. I challenge you if you haven't, go out and read this book written hundreds of years ago by a very bright and forward-thinking economic theoretician whose ideas on competition, the free-market-economy, control and ownership, business and industry, the interdependency of economies, and small business are even more well-respected and well-understood today than ever before. This book breaks down how and why some nations are the haves and some are the have-nots, and a step further why some individuals become extremely wealthy while others remain in abject poverty. There are cycles to wealth-building and those (nations and individuals both) who understand, look for, and capitalize on the inherent opportunities therein...will become and remain wealthy.
4) Please Understand Me by David Keirsey
Almost nothing truly great in this world (including building a fortune, leaving a legacy, or becoming famous etc) can be accomplished without securing the cooperation of other people. Even the Michaelangelos of the world have assistants, patrons, encouragers, customers, and fans. Greatness is a product of skill and desire first, but secondly of contribution- and the greatest contribution we can make is that we make to the world. The world is made up of people, different in so many ways and yet in so many ways alike. I am unique. You are unique. I need you. You need me. The number one skill needed to gain another human being's cooperation is to show you understand them and talk to them at the level they're at while helping them see how their cooperation with you will help them reach the next level they're striving for easier, faster, or with less effort. That skill can make you a better employer, a better boss, a better negotiator, a better husband or wife and so much more. The person who can do this will never lack for loyal people around him or her. This book has shown me how to make all my relationships better, including my relationship with myself. I believe it will do the same for you.
5) How to Make Millions with Your Ideas by Dan Kennedy
Dan Kennedy is one of the most brilliant marketing gurus or business consultants out there today. His ideas are pure gold, and this all his books I've seen are great success books to read. While almost all of his books and materials are winners, this one I read for the first time in the last year and it truly is a winner. This book has fundamentally impacted me on a deep level, and changed my paradigm from a work harder vs. work smarter mind shift. It's helped shift my thoughts from a place where I believe my ideas are much, much more valuable than my sweat. Read this book for a great ride too.
6) Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins is such a cheeseball but I must say his stuff does work. I definitely have Tony Robbins in my personal success books library. Tony is known for bringing self-development to the masses. What many don't know is that if you really want to change your life, you really absolutely can do it by applying what he teaches. What still fewer know, however, is where HE learned what he teaches. In fact, he is a much better marketer than a teacher (although I'm not knocking his teaching skill) which is why you have heard of him but probably not heard of people like Milton Erickson, Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Tad James or other giant academics who discovered a large part of what became Tony's original books (like this one). Read this book, but if you look at it as an introduction to the amazing concepts of mind power and then go to the sources (like those authors mentioned above) you will begin to access a part of your mind few people know exist- and that fewer still have the curiosity and the courage to tap its power.
7)What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know about Cash Flow by Frank Galinelli
As a real estate investor, you hear all the time that "Cash is King". Big amounts of cash are sexy. It's what people talk about most and get excited about. While big fat one-time profit checks are nice I can 100% vouch for the fact (from experience) that without consistent recurring cashflow coming in you are only fooling yourself that you're investing in real estate as a professional. True professional investors invest for cashflow, knowing that it is the vehicle to financial freedom. I don't recommend this book for beginning real estate investors, as there are so many more basic-level resources to get you your first few deals but if you're serious about building a fortune you need to put a lot of energy and focus into making the Queen happy because "Cash Flow is Queen". Don't make the mistakes I made and many others have made, focusing only on equity and value and appreciation when investing in real estate. You could go broke trying to eat equity!
8) Action! by Robert Ringer
Just like the title implies, this book is about action. Although having a success books library is a great action step to take on your road to success, just having recommended books on success to read won't make you a success, just as having a collection of Shakespearean sonnets won't make you a poet. You have to read what you have and take action on what you learn. I've found the tips, techniques, attitudes and shortcuts I learned in this book to be invaluable in getting myself amped up to take action when I need a kick into gear. I highly recommend that you read it- but more importantly that you apply what you learn.
9) How to Make Maximum Money in Minimum Time by Gary Halbert
Gary Halbert recently passed away and the world has lost one of the greatest marketing minds that ever lived. Halbert is a master of showing us what works in marketing and advertising, why it works, and how we can apply what works in others' businesses to our own. I consult Halbert's books, newsletters, and materials every single time I want to create a piece of marketing collateral (especially direct mail). He shows people how to take what we already have or do and transform it into products, ideas, services, and information we can use to bring us a fortune. In a field as competitive as copywriting where the top experts command tens of thousands of dollars for consulting as little as one hour, for decades never to my knowledge did any of Halbert's competitors ever ONCE challenge his claim to be the "Greatest Copywriter in the World" and that alone qualifies anything he wrote as an addition to any serious list of success books to read. That's saying something about how unreal this guy's ideas are, don't you think? This book is a must-read for anyone wanting to harness an understanding of how the human mind works to sell more of whatever it is they sell.
10) Influence: Science and Practice by Robert Cialdini
This book is a flat-out phenomenal addition to your success books library. Did you ever wonder why you act in a certain, automatic way when presented with a certain set of information or circumstances- almost without thinking? Did you ever wonder why and how we are influenced and the factors that we can use to influence others? The answers are simple and Cialdini explains them in a very entertaining and at times academic style that leaves you in no doubt he is the pre-eminent authority on influence to ever reveal the secrets of the laboratory and of real world situations. When you read this book pay special attention to the 11 principles of influence and also Cialdini's "Click...Whirr" theory that explains why you (and I, and every other human being on this planet) make 99% of our decisions and take 99% of our actions each and every minute of every single day alive. And more importantly, how we can guard ourselves against these automatic thoughts and actions that can make us the targets of those who would try to manipulate us. Believe me, after you read this book you will pray to God that no one like a Joseph Stalin or Adolph Hitler ever gets their hands on this information.
Having read this article, I hope that you are inspired to add these 10 books you YOUR success books library, and if you don't have a success library...get started starting one and get started reading for success. It's never to late to start reading for success. It's never too late to BE a success.
Danny Welsh is the editor of investing newsletter 'The Good Steward' with Investing Do's, Don'ts and Deals! If you are inspired to Get Started Reading For Success, start building your personal success library with these 10 books...and be sure to take action toward financial success when you join Danny Welsh with America's #1 Real Estate Network at HIS Real Estate Network [http://www.HomeInvestingSolution.com].
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Danny_Welsh/7456
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/828089
_(By Danny Welsh ).


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