The Universe is an Information System Part III

The Universe is an Information System Part III

A strong enough and coherent enough thought form, or thought template, can actually alter physical structure. If you understand that physical reality is malleable and is essentially information, this makes sense. But if you are a materialist, you think that reality is described only in the objects you see and feel. But that is a primitive and childish viewpoint. When you want to build a house you first design a blueprint. That blueprint is the information system that describes the physical house. Alteration of the blueprint results in alteration of the physical description of the house. Here we get back to the Holographic Principle again.

The 2 dimensional blueprint controls the 3 dimensional structure called "house." In other words, you could say quite accurately that the true reality of your house lies not in the physical building materials of foundation, walls, and roof, but in the blueprint itself. When you need to make changes to your house, you have to consult the blueprint first!

Humanity has control over its information systems.

These information systems exist outside the realm of the five physical senses, and create the physical blueprints for our interpreted reality. The double helix of DNA, for example, is just the physical representation of something vastly more complex and beautiful. The "activation" of DNA is the perception of these etheric blueprints, and the reprogramming of them through conscious intent, which results in healing (and new abilities that we didn't even know we have).

The universe and everything in it is, essentially, programmable, vibrational information.

That's all it is!

When humanity really begins to understand this idea, we will be able to change our lives, and the face of our planet, very rapidly.

We already understand information systems very well, so why does humanity continue to fight each other and pollute the planet? Why does 90% of human savings go to finance war and polluting fossil fuels, when we are already sitting on clean energy technology?

Well, people like David Icke (see the link to an excellent interview with Icke below) claims that extraterrestrials have modified the vibrational structure around planet earth, to keep humanity within a lower vibrational range so that they can feed off our energy of anger, fear, and other lower emotions. This has always made some kind of sense to me, because I have never been able to figure out why our species has never been able to come together. In my participation in and observance of groups, I have noticed that when human beings organize into groups, there is some kind of psychic trigger that says, "contention." Where does this impulse come from?

Well, if there are "evil ETs" or "evil controllers" on the planet earth, they must be the physical representation of the information systems that humanity has constructed. Physical manifestation of anything CANNOT occur unless there is agreement and intent for it to occur. Therefore, anything unwanted on planet earth is being created in an information system. And to uncreate it, you do not fight it! You simply reprogram it! You change the content of the vibrational information system, and viola! Like a computer that has been reprogrammed, you get a new program that does new things.

Look at the universe like a gigantic computer.

The mnemonic instructions that make the computer go are just electronic impulses that are programmed into it, just like the elements of the Periodic Table that make up the universe are units of vibrational information. For the computer, this set of instructions is called an Operating System, or OS. Each computer has an OS, which provides a platform that allows computer programmers to write the programs like Word and Photoshop that we use to get work done.

Now here is the exciting part.

We can reprogram the Operating System that runs the computer. The operating system controls what types of programs you can run. If you try to run Adobe CS5 with the 3D enhanced Photoshop on a computer running the DOS 6.0, Operating System, nothing will happen.

If you try to run the program "clean, free energy" on a human operating system that cannot understand it, you will get nothing but inefficient and scarce energy, and pollution.

What the human race is engaged in right now is, literally, the reprogramming of humanity's operating system. That will allow us to move from the program Fossil Fuels 2436.6 to Clean Energy 1.0, and from War 4354262534.9 to Cooperation 1.0! And we are doing it by changing our thoughts and belief systems from the old OS to a new OS. Once we get a new OS, we can start writing new and better programs that will lift the earth, and humanity, from it's present stressed-out and confused state.

Solid reality is actually vibrational information.

That's all it is.

YOU CHANGE REALITY BY CHANGING THE INFORMATION SYSTEM. And that information system changes when you choose differently. Information IS reality!!!

That is something human beings are discovering. To rid yourself of unwanted things, you simply reprogram the hologram within which you live. And you do that vibrationally, by deciding differently. By consciously creating a vision of exactly what you want for yourself and the world.

I hope this message inspires you to get beyond the idea that reality is solid and hard to change. This point of view can only be maintained if you do not understand your spiritual nature, and use only the five physical senses to validate your experiences.

The real action is always, and has always been, and will always be, at the level of consciousness, and thought, and intent, for this is the level on which the information systems that create the physical world reside.

Kenneth James Michael MacLean has written 8 inspiring books, over 100 content-rich articles, and produced two movies.
Visit Ken at his website, The Big Picture, at
To see "The Law of Attraction Explained" and "The Unity of Spirit and Matter" movies, go to

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_(By Kenneth MacLean).


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