Security and Information

Security and Information

With the argument that society needs to have certain products or services, the government creates a public that is structured to act in a particular industry, such as education, health, safety and welfare.

IT presents it as the basic components of data processing and / or information and communication through integrated electronic equipment for that. Thus, supply the products or services directly to people who paid for through taxes.

The information is a knowledge (written) in the form written (printed or digital), oral or audiovisual. The information includes an element of direction. It is a way to a conscience transmitted through a recorded message on a space-time medium.

The information can be defined as a fact, an event, a statement. The term information has the following attributes:

- A synonym of a fact,

- Strength of what is already known,

- Freedom of choice to select a message,

- Raw material from which knowledge is extracted, what is exchanged with the outside world and not only received passively, defined in terms of its effects on the receiver, something that reduces uncertainty in a given situation.

Information and knowledge are related but not synonymous. It is also necessary to distinguish two types of knowledge:

There is:

- Tacit knowledge. Is the practical knowledge of an accumulate on a given subject, which includes convictions, beliefs, feelings, emotions and other factors related to experience and the personality of who has this knowledge

- Explicit knowledge. Is the collection of information is based somewhere e.g. support (books, documents, etc.) that characterizes the knowledge available on a specific topic.

- Strategic Knowledge. Is the combination of explicit and tacit knowledge formed the basis of information for monitoring, aggregating the knowledge of experts.

However "information as is a term that involves all three, and serve as connection between the raw data and knowledge that can possibly get.

The information includes the elements of meaning. It is a meaning to a conscious transmitted through a recorded message on a spatial - temporal media: print, electronic signal, sound wave, etc.

The information must be:

a) Clear: make that clear, not masking between facts accessories;

b) Accurate: and never make terms such as "around ...», 'around ...»,' more or less';

c) Quick: get the point of decision in time to generate effect on that decision. Information may be clear and precise but arrive late, losing its reason for being;

d) Directed: who needs it and will decide based on that information.

The concept of information is also used to record information as the product of a process. . The notion of information reduces ambiguity and can be seen as a particular case of information and knowledge. The concept of information is also used for objects such as data or documents that are referred to as information because they are considered as "informative" as bearer of a correct knowledge or communicate information.

The information is considered as a strategy in the areas of collection, identification, treatment, organization, distribution and use in the administrative process and productive.

The growing need to manage information, considering the human aspects and information technology related, resulted in the proposed formation of a professional area, originally called the "Information Resources Management.

Translated as information management has become a field of study already considered in the United States and Europe, whose theoretical and operational content has become an essential tool for any organization that needs to produce, locate, collect, test , store, distribute and promote the use of information.

The management of the information with the Information Science, administration and information technology results in a set of skills and theoretical and practical knowledge that allows the structuring of information systems.

A growing number of institutions private or governmental in nature, are forced to adopt programs for information management, aiming at ethical performance of its activities and an appropriate decision - making process.

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_(By Artur Victoria).


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