Characteristics of Quality Knowledge

Characteristics of Quality Knowledge

Quality knowledge is the solution to ignorance. Ignorance is not a lack of information but the absence of quality and positive knowledge. The degree of quality and positive knowledge determines the degree of human enlightenment and civilization. Any educational process which will prepare people for quality operation, societal and global impact must produce the impact of inspiration, motivation, preparation, activation, challenge and transformation on people, which are characteristics of quality and positive knowledge. Let's now look at the characteristics of quality knowledge.

I) Inspiration
This is the stirring effect of knowledge on the human mind as a result of enlightenment. Inspiration is achieved through positive external influence of knowledge on the human mind. Inspiration is light; it has the potency to produce aspiration in an individual. Every human being needs 20% inspiration and 80% aspiration to arrive the maximum of his potential. If one is not inspired he will surely expire. Inspiration is the first characteristic of quality knowledge. Most societies are full of expired people; men who have retired in their minds. They operate as consumers and not producers. Most graduates today come out of schools only to add to the burden of their societies because of the absence of inspiration. Inspiration provokes the human life not to settle for mediocrity and normalcy but to strive for excellence, that is, striving to reach the maximum of one's potential.

Every human being is created with unlimited potential. Inspiration operates as fire which stimulates one's aspiration for the maximisation of one's potential. For inspiration to be possible, the human mind must be subjected to a greater source of information. Quality information determines the quality of inspiration; this is where quality education comes in. Quality education should be a process which exposes one's mind to challenging information which results to inspiration. Inspiration highly depends on the quality of information and the source of information. In this era of mental revolution, Quality knowledge will play an essential role.

When one's mind is inspired, such an individual goes beyond general knowledge to creative knowledge. This will be seen in details as we proceed. Any educational approach which does not inspire is useless. It leaves individuals dormant with respect to creativity and productivity. The educational revolution of the 21st century is bringing humanity in contact with inspiration for greater aspiration in all domains.

Ii) Motivation:
Motivation with respect to the concept of quality knowledge is the influence of knowledge in achieving the increase in one's zeal and enthusiasm to confront life's situations and circumstances in the pursuit of excellence. When one is truly motivated, his desires and aspiration for life are enhanced. This is the second characteristic of quality and positive knowledge. Each human being needs a degree of motivation to move on with life. Life is full of ups and downs but when one is motivated, one's zeal and courage is enhanced for the pursuit of excellence against situations and circumstances which come one's way. This ought to be the influence education has on an individual. When an individual is not motivated, he settles for survival. The pursuit for excellence and impact is absent. Such an individual gives up at the phase of adversity. This is a clear picture of many nationals who sit in despair with no motivation to participate in the progress of humanity. The 21st century educational revolution will be motivational in its inclination. It will produce a new breed of people whose passion and pursuit for the ultimate is unstoppable.

Iii) Preparation
Quality knowledge prepares one for impact on his nation and generation. Preparation is the process of being fit; trained to qualify for a challenge. If one fails to make positive impact on his nation or generation the reason is inadequate preparation. A proper educational process should prepare men to make unique contributions towards the development of their societies. When this is not achieved, the entire educational process is a failure.

Most nations are full of educated people who are unprepared for any serious engagement in their nation or generation. The educational revolution of the 21st century must prepare humanity to confront and resolve the challenges and conflicts of this century.

IV) Activation:
Quality knowledge activates the human mind for creativity. When one's mind is subjected to quality and positive knowledge, (knowledge which inspires, motivates, prepares, activates, challenges and transforms) the mind is activated for creative knowledge. There is a difference between general knowledge and creative knowledge. General knowledge is knowledge which is taught and learnt. Creative knowledge is knowledge which is not learnt but is produced by an inspired and activated mind. General knowledge is the means; creative knowledge is the end. General knowledge should help to inspire and activate the mind for creative knowledge.

The end product of general knowledge is creative knowledge. If one's educational pursuit fails to bring one to creative knowledge, such a person fails to reach the ultimate purpose for education. General knowledge cannot empower an individual to affect his generation in a unique way. General knowledge should act as a source of inspiration and activation of the human mind for creative knowledge. The human mind is naturally imbued with knowledge which one can never exhaust throughout one's lifetime. This knowledge is only released to man's physical consciousness through the inspiration and activation of the human mind.

With creative knowledge one can know above his teachers. Creative knowledge makes an individual a custodian of revelatory knowledge, (knowledge which is not taught or learnt.)The educational revolution of the 21st century will focus more on the activation of human minds for profound and prolific insight. This will result to the greatest exhibition of creativity the world has ever known. Creative knowledge is the answer to every question, solution to every problem.

V) Challenge
If one is not challenged he can't change. Challenge is one of the characteristics of quality and positive knowledge. Any educational process which does not challenge one for greater vision in life is a failure. The challenge of knowledge is simply the provoking impact of knowledge which inspires an individual to go beyond the average to impact his generation. With reference to this, the study of history should be more biographical than the study of events. The study of events only offers information but produces no inspiration or challenge. I believe it is time we focused our studies of history on the biography of men who advanced the cause of human civilisation and turned the tides of history in their generation positively. Such impact of history will form a base of challenge to today's generation. History does not exist as a status quo but as an inspiration for greater happenings.

The study of the history of men who affected the world positively with their inspired ideas, inventions, innovations and creations, offers a wider range of challenges, than studying the Bolshevik revolution. This does not mean studying history just for information is not needed, but focusing on aspects of history which offer mere information and little or no challenge is a waste of time and effort. Biographical study will be the hallmarks of the 21st century educational revolution with respect to contracting challenge from history.

VI) Transformation:
Transformation comes from the same root word in Greek which describes the process by which a caterpillar changes to a butterfly (metamorphosis). Positive and quality knowledge metamorphoses the mind of an individual. Anything outside of this is a great failure.

The transforming effect of knowledge begins with the mind of man. If after one's educational process, one's mind is still at the same level, such a person has not yet arrived the final plane of education. Mental transformation precedes life transformation. "Mentality defines destiny". In most nations the system of education lays more emphasis on the acquisition of certificates, instead of the transformation of minds. This explains why most graduates still behave like illiterates who have not seen the four walls of a primary school. It is a pity that even teachers sometimes exhibit attitudes, characters and mentalities which are contradictory to the law of knowledge. If the transformation effect of knowledge was evident through most educational institutions, the high rate of AIDS, abortion, drug abuse, prostitution, etc, amongst educated youths would not have been what it is today. The educational revolution of the 21st century should be centered on quality and positive knowledge. All academic curriculums should be orientated towards the achievement of the impact of quality and positive knowledge on individuals.

The educational approach in every nation should focus on creating on her nationals the effects of quality knowledge. (Inspiration, Motivation, Preparation, Activation, Challenge and Transformation). This will result to increase awareness to life's responsibilities with respect to national and global impact.

DR Benard Etta is an author of fifty books, a Social scientist, visionary, educator, mentor, coach and CEO of Nation Builders International, an educative and human resource organisation. Man of the year 2005, nomination by American Biographical Institute. Third most influential anglophone Cameroonian, nomination by a Cameroonian leading news paper (Cameroon post) 2003. Honorary Doctorate degree on special field Human Resource Development, from life leadership University USA etc NATION BUILDERS INTERNATIONAL, PO BOX 6146 YAOUNDE CAMEROON

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_(By Dr Benard Etta).


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